2023年6月28日,梯瓦中国(Teva)宣布,中国国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)于近日正式批准了"醋酸格拉替雷注射液"。该药品注册商标为固派松®、Copaxone®,以下简称固派松®。该药品适用于治疗复发型多发性硬化(MS)成人患者,包括临床孤立综合征、复发缓解型多发性硬化和活动性继发进展型多发性硬化。此次获批规格(20mg/ml和40mg/ml)均获得美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)批准,其中, 40mg/ml降低了每周给药频次,提高了患者依从性和便利性。
多发性硬化是一种免疫介导的中枢神经系统炎性脱髓鞘疾病,常见临床表现为反复发作的视力下降、复视、肢体感觉障碍、肢体运动障碍、共济失调、膀胱或直肠功能障碍等。据统计,全球约280万多发性硬化患者(2020年),在中国的发病率为每年0.235/10万人[1],是除创伤外年轻成人永 久残疾的最常见病因[2]。
近30年的临床研究数据证实 [3-15] ,固派松®可显著降低复发率和疾病活动性,改善患者残疾进展和脑萎缩,降低临床孤立综合征转归为多发性硬化的风险,同时还可改善疲劳、认知功能和痉挛等症状。此外,固派松®长期安全性良好,无明显时间依赖性的不良反应,非特殊情况无须监测。
梯瓦大中华区总经理黄迪仁先生表示:"非常高兴见证固派松® 在中国的加速获批,这反映了中国在加速创新药品的审评审批,解决患者临床迫切需求的决心与行动。秉持着以患者为中心的理念,梯瓦将持续关注中国患者最迫切的临床需求,致力于将更多全球创新产品引入中国,造福中国患者,为‘健康中国2030"添‘梯"加‘瓦"。"
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[2] Tian D C, Zhang C, Yuan M, et al. Incidence of multiple sclerosis in China: a nationwide hospital-based study[J]. The Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific, 2020, 1: 100010.
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[8] Yamamura T, et al. Once-daily glatiramer acetate decreases magnetic resonance imaging disease activity in J apanese patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Clin Exp Neuroimmunol. 2017 May;8 (2):129-137.
[9] Ford CC, et al. Early versus delayed treatment with glatiramer acetate: Analysis of up to 27®years of continuous follow-up in a US open-label extension study. Mult Scler. 2022 Oct;28(11):1729-1743.
[10] Rieckmann P,et al. Long-term efficacy and safety of three times weekly dosing regimen of glatiramer acetate in relapsing multiple sclerosis patients: Seven-year results of the Glatiramer Acetate Low-frequency Administration (GALA) open-label extension study. Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin. 2021 Dec 13;7(4):20552173211061550.
[11] Khan O, et al. Efficacy and safety of a three-times-weekly dosing regimen of glatiramer acetate in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients: 3-year results of the Glatiramer Acetate Low-Frequency Administration open-label extension study. Mult Scler. 2017 May;23(6):818-829.
[12] Sandberg-Wollheim M, et al. Pregnancy Outcomes from the Branded Glatiramer Acetate Pregnancy Database. Int J MS Care. 2018 Jan-Feb;20(1):9-14.
[13] Kaplan S, et al Outcomes Following Maternal Exposure to Glatiramer Acetate During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. Drug Saf. 2022 Apr;45(4):345-357.
[14] Herbstritt S, et al Glatiramer acetate during early pregnancy: A prospective cohort study. Mult Scler. 2016 May;22(6):810-6.
[15] Ciplea AI, et al. Eighteen-month safety analysis of offspring breastfed by mothers receiving glatiramer acetate therapy for relapsing multiple sclerosis - COBRA study. Mult Scler. 2022 Sep;28(10):1641-1650.
[16] Cinar BP, et al. Cognitive dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis treated with first-line disease-modifying therapy: a multi-center, controlled study using the BICAMS battery. Neurol Sci. 2017 Feb;38(2):337-342.
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